

As a child grows up and goes through the different stages of development, spending time with them and being a good example is crucial. In Sarah’s Touch, this story teaches us the value of connection and bonding, especially for children who grew up in unfortunate circumstances. This book will surely also help readers understand the meaning of life. 
a mother bear and her cub. There are also yellow flowers in the foreground

Mama Bear

Mama Bear is a read-aloud book meant to encourage parents and children to read and talk about the story together. The story gives parents a chance to talk about their parenting styles and teach the children that parenting is a choice, and parents choose what they believe will bring happiness and safety to their family.
a boy standing in a field and a tree

The Dreamer

The Dreamer is a story about a young boy who dreams of being someone different than himself. He wants to be better than he thinks he is. In fact, he wants to be a hero.

His idea gets the opposite reaction than he expected. He went through many experiences he perceives as dangerous and heroic but finds out he is not the hero instead is in trouble.

In the end, the Dreamer learns that he is good enough without trying to be someone else. This is an opportunity for an adult to teach a child about self-worth and confidence in who they are.


A Tale of Two Loves

Because, people often ask the author why they choose to parent over 200 children.

Because, the parents filled their home with so much love that it spilled over to Jim and Carla. This is a story of how people who love each other, with a commitment to Jesus Christ, can extend their love to many others.

Because of the love affairs of these four people, unconditional love has been offered to many.

Books about Parenting Choice

About the Author

Carla Atkinson

Ever since Carla was a kid, she has always been interested in the well-being of children. When she was 11 years old, she started teaching at Sunday school. Together with her husband Jim, they started taking foster children and raising over two hundred children.
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carla atkinson



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