A Parent’s Choice and How It Affects Their Child’s Life

Photo by Emma Bauso

Time has consistently proven that a parent’s choice can determine how their child will turn out.

It is a parent’s choice to bring us to this world. A parent’s choice also sets the course for our future. And today, we will learn how those decisions make up for who we are. Thankfully, there are books about parenting choices that will show us how much a parent’s choice shapes a child. Whether we’re parents or not, we must realize how this matter is worth discussing in this article.

A parent’s influence on their children shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, we have been with them for much of our lives. Moreover, they were the very first people to teach us about the ways of the world and how we see things. Such a relationship can be forged through shared bonds between the parents and children. However, if one wrong move is made, there’s a huge chance it’ll be ruined forever.

The Areas of One’s Life Where a Parent’s Choice Means a Lot

We often see our parents as one of our ultimate sources of life validation. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat, even how we live, our parents have become monumental in who we are as individuals because they taught us to be a certain way. Be it through words or actions, we see and hear how they live life, which in turn makes us live the same way. Isn’t that fascinating?

Let’s look at how a parent’s choice to act like one directly affects the following aspects of life.

A Parents’ Role in Their Child’s Career Choices

Growing up, we had dreams like wanting to be astronauts, painters, etc., which are noble aspirations that make us think about the world as a happy place. Consider yourself lucky if you grew up in a nurturing and supportive family home. After all, not everyone has the same parents who won’t stop their children from reaching their dreams.

However, some parents look out for their children, especially when reckless decisions are underway. Sometimes, they know the best choice, not just in certain moments when one’s on a high. Therefore, if a parent’s choice is enough for a child to think twice, it’s best to take heed. Listening intently when parents look out for us can bring us more good than we realize.

Importance of Parents in Terms of Love and Relationships

Listen, we all want to experience love at some point. Children learn about love, respect, and the ideal relationship dynamics by observing how their parents treat each other. If parents show mutual respect and they communicate, the child will have a better grasp on how to handle their own future relationships.

Furthermore, the early bond and attachment formed between a child and their parents will help the children regulate their own emotions. With a secure attachment to the parent, the child can trust and have a healthy emotional connection with others. It’s evident in how we perceive love, romantic or not, due to our upbringing. That’s why children exposed to a happy and loving home have a better outlook on loving others than those deprived of such joys.

The Involvement of Parents in Children’s Moral Choices

A parent’s choice to be a good moral example to their children will surely show when they become fully grown. Managing emotional levels and behavioral patterns and dealing with various situations burden the parents. At an early age, the parents are in charge of providing positive affirmations and showing love. Especially when it’s about the way they should treat others.

Considering how parents are the first role models to whom the child can imitate, it should be clear enough. A parent’s choice to be responsible and teach their child to do the same holds true until the end of time.

A Parent’s Influence in Their Child’s Social Skills

“Parents aren’t born to be types of parents: rather, parenting is characterized by the decisions parents make about how, and how often, they invest in their children to help them flourish.”

-Prof. Ariel Kalil

Through the side that parents show their children, they eventually pick up the cues to act around people. Whether consciously or not, how a child is treated at home often trickles out to others. That’s why parents need to be self-aware of their actions and relentlessly set a positive and healthy example for their kids. Otherwise, a parent’s choice to be toxic towards their kids will become each other’s detriment.

Final Thoughts

Parents only want what’s best for their children, especially when it involves crucial aspects of life. However, if a parent’s choice disparages their child’s well-being, they’re unfit to be a role model. Furthermore, every child deserves to be raised with the fullest love and support.

If any parent aspires to make that conscious choice, they should get a copy of Carla Atkinson’s Mama Bear, a book about healthy parenting.

Choose to be a loving parent today, and be enlightened by the benefits of raising your child in a healthy environment.

Book Author at https://www.storytimewithcarla.com/
Carla Atkinson has dedicated her life to the welfare of children, beginning her journey at the age of eleven by teaching Sunday school and babysitting. In 1968, she and her husband, Jim, opened their home to foster children, ultimately caring for over 200 kids. Their family has expanded to include 125 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In 1984, they founded a group home agency, establishing six group homes, a foster agency, and a special education school. Carla's commitment to children's health and education continues to inspire her community and shape her advocacy work in foster care and child welfare.
Carla Atkinson

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  • Reginald McBride

    Such a wonderful article to read. Thanks for writing this!

    • Katherine Daugherty

      It is wonderful! Parents need to be reminded of this constantly.

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