The most important thing about celebrating holidays is the memories you make with your children. Here are some helpful ideas to make your holidays go happy.

  1. Keep a calendar for the holiday month, include:
  2. Family events
  3. School events
  4. Church events
  5. Community events
  6. Baking, crafts, gift-making
  • Make traditions. For example, we went to grandma and grandpas house for Christmas Eve dinner and had Christmas morning at home. Upon awaking, all the children sat on the sat on the stairs until all were ready, then they came down, found their “Santa” gift and opened it as well as their stockings. Next we had hot chocolate and sweet rolls, and finally did our gift exchange. Even though during the group home years the population of children often changed, the traditions stayed the same, even down tom today with the grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
  • Make a gift wish list, include:
  • The amount you can spend.
  • Talk about what gifts for others such as grandparents, etc.
  • Talk about appropriate behaviors, expectations, etc. Example – your child receives gift they already have. What is the appropriate response.
  • Any dress code for any activities.
  • What values do you want to teach regarding holidays?
  • Holidays are an opportunity to make family members feel special. Make sure children think of their parents also.
  • What does your family want to be known as? Our children voted that they wanted to be known as the “Giving House”. They loved to think of things they could do for other’s to make their holidays more meaningful.


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