Something About Me

Whenever I meet someone new the first thing they want to know is the why and how I got started in this very full life I lead. I would like to share that with you, because I would also like to know how other people got started in foster care, and why.

I was what was called “back in the day”, a precocious child. Actually, children were to be seen and not heard, but what I learned was that girls weren’t even to be seen. My mother said I was born with an opinion, so this never set well with me. I was reading way before I went to school, and by age 6, I read 2 newspapers a day. I especially loved Eleanor Roosevelt, and looked for what she said and did , as the first thing when I opened the newspaper. One day I read that she was in a foreign country where they sacrificed little girls to the temple gods. I was incensed! I was going there and rescue those little girls. That was the beginning, way back in 1948-49.

Not only did I want to work with children, I wanted to serve the Lord. I very much felt called to serve. What would I be doing? How could I help? I decided I needed to be a teacher, so I went to college to become a teacher. That was definitely not the right path. I blew up the chemistry lab, shorted out the physics lab, the music teacher said I had one note, and it was off….you get the point. I was good at English, History, and Shakespeare. I was very interested and did very well in psychology and anthropology. That is the direction I went.
I graduated with 13 kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats and 4 birds – but I graduated.

Book Author at
Carla Atkinson has dedicated her life to the welfare of children, beginning her journey at the age of eleven by teaching Sunday school and babysitting. In 1968, she and her husband, Jim, opened their home to foster children, ultimately caring for over 200 kids. Their family has expanded to include 125 grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In 1984, they founded a group home agency, establishing six group homes, a foster agency, and a special education school. Carla's commitment to children's health and education continues to inspire her community and shape her advocacy work in foster care and child welfare.
Carla Atkinson

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